10 Author/Illustrators that You Need to Love Right Now

There are great authors and there are great illustrators. Then there are these talented folk who combine the best of both worlds. This is the just the beginning of our journey together. This is a Books 101 post.

In my view, having books from these author/illustrators is like having butter and milk in the fridge. It's a must have... their names should be basic vocabulary words for book lovers everywhere. While ten is a rather arbitrary number (since I can immediately think of at least 15 that I love... know that it causes me pain to limit the list), we have to start somewhere when we are paring down to the basics of butter and milk. And who doesn't love a Top 10 list?! In no particular order I share with you the best author/illustrators along with my personal favorite title of theirs (though their whole collection is worthy and wonderful):

*Jan Brett: Fritz and the Beautiful Horses

*Robert McCloskey: Blueberries for Sal

*Beatrix Potter: The World of Peter Rabbit

*Bill Peet: Chester the Worldly Pig

*Elisa Kleven: The Lion and the Little Red Bird

*Tasha Tudor: 1 is One

*Tomie DePaola: Pascual and the Kitchen Angels

*Don Freeman: A Pocket for Corduroy

*Leo Lionni: Swimmy

*Barbara Cooney: Island Boy

"I believe that children in this country need a more robust literary diet than they are getting.... It does not hurt them to read about good and evil, love and hate, life and death. Nor do I think they should read only about things that they understand.... a man’s reach should exceed his grasp. So should a child’s. For myself, I will never talk down to—or draw down to—children." -Barbara Cooney

*Disclaimer: Yes I have set up an Amazon Associates account... not because I expect you to click my links and make me rich, but just so in the off chance you DO by a recommendation, I can add a few pennies to my own Amazon book buying budget and try to bring my wishlist out of the triple digits. :o)

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