Our Lady of Fatima: May Giveaway!

I've often felt disgruntled that there is what I opine to be a great emptiness in the picture book world regarding Our Lady of Fatima. Guadalupe enjoys at least three excellent options as far as I can tell (like this, this, or this) plus a couple other 'good' options. Meanwhile, Fatima is left quite in the dust. I own the book Jacinta's Story and it is pretty good and really one of the only picture book options that I know of. But it's not one that I read in one sitting to the children. It's best broken into a few days' reading during Morning Basket time because the story is fairly extensive. Still hoping for a simple breakdown of the story at a young, elementary level.

Thankfully, there are a number of chapter books that do the story justice. And it's a story that needs to be told to people of all ages.  The Children Of Fatima: And Our Lady's Message to the World is one of the best options on the market in my opinion, and it suits reading aloud quite nicely. May is the perfect month to devote to Our Lady and her message to both the children and to the world.

TAN Books has graciously offered to sponsor a giveaway of this book by Mary Fabyan Windeatt in honor of Our Lady and her upcoming feast day this month. The awesome thing is that while TAN publishing is known for their older, more traditional titles, they are making efforts to keep things fresh and relevant to families even today. In development right now are some workbooks that go along with the books in this series and the accompaniment designed for The Children Of Fatima will be one of the first ones done!  (Sneak peak coming soon hopefully!)

In the meantime, there will be 3 winners in this giveaway who receive a copy of this book! All you have to do is comment on one way, simple or extravagent, your family tries to celebrate the month of May in your home. You have until Mother's Day to enter.  This Sunday, the 10th.  Blessings!

****Closed! We have three winners! Pre-literate Henry was asked to circle 3 names on the list: Congrats to the Holloway family,  Erin and Monica!****


  1. I enjoy your blog so much and come here quite frequently for book recommendations (in fact that is why I'm here now)! Keep the posts coming!!!

    We have our Mary statue on our prayer table with a Rosary around it for the month of May We have the annual May crowing at school and are adding a Marian prayer at mealtime when we pray for the priests/seminarians in our diocese.

    1. Monica, you won! Please email me with your address! knowloveserve @ gmail

    2. Oh my goodness I am sorry I just now saw this!! I kept looking for another post and didn't even think to check the comments here. I will email of it is not too late!!

  2. We keep fresh flowers in a vase at the foot of the statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe on our front porch -- usually filled by children picking treasures (dandelions and lilacs, mostly) out of our yard.

  3. We always make a pilgrimage to a local Marian shrine, usually on Mother's Day. We also do a May Crowning with some of our friends....the kids love it because they can eat unlimited popsicles!

  4. We have a Marian prayer service with our Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program and a May crowning with our homeschool group. My daughter is especially excited for the crowning because they invite the First Communicants of the year to wear their fancy clothes.

  5. I can't wait to win one of your giveaways! I will keep trying! We brought down our statue of Our Lady, picked her wildflowers and sang, "Sing of Mary". This is also the month my husband and I try harder to consistently say the family rosary and crack down on the shenanigans that happen during the rosary!

  6. Love this Ellie! We crown our statue of Mary in our prayer corner....and also keep fresh flowers there during this month. WE also add the chorus of "Ave Maria" and sing it after each decade during the family rosary.

    1. Erin, you won! The book will get sent to you soon...

    2. YAY! I never win!! haha.... not sure how I missed these messages...weird. I have a couple summer things for agnes too if you want!

  7. I love your suggestions of books. We have a May altar in our home and try to say the rosary together with the kids a few times during the week. Wouldlove to win!!!

  8. I love your suggestions of books. We have a May altar in our home and try to say the rosary together with the kids a few times during the week. Wouldlove to win!!!

  9. I'm sad to say we don't do anything for May :( I would love to as I have a special devotion to her, but my husband has a hard time with Mary (please say a prayer for him, so sad.) I try to do what I can without stepping too far over his comfort level. But this looks like a wonderful book. I hadn't heard of it before.
    ~Ruth Anne

    1. Ruth Anne, you won! Please email me with your address! knowloveserve @ gmail
